CBS is moving forward with a series centered around the life of Clarice Starling, following the events in the classic movie The Silence of the Lambs.
The show, titled Clarice, will be set in 1993, a year after The Silence of the Lambs takes place. It will follow Starling as she returns to her life as an FBI agent tracking serial murderers and sexual predators. Alex Kurtzman, who wrote Transformers, Star Trek, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, will executive produce and write the show alongside Jenny Lumet.
Jodie Foster’s portrayal of Clarice received critical acclaim, winning her an Academy Award for her work. No word yet on whether or not Foster or Anthony Hopkins, who portrayed Hannibal Lecter in the film, will appear in the show, but it seems highly unlikely.
Editorial credit: Elliott Cowand Jr /